
 for the development of scientific and experiential wholeness

Nexial Institute (Boulder, Colorado) is a US national 501c3 and Colorado State non-profit corporation founded by Dr. John J. Kineman (PhD).

Follow us on a transformative journey with the Nexial Insititute of Colorado, where personal growth, scientific research, and spiritual practice converge to develop a unique understanding of wholeness. This understanding has both Eastern and Western roots. In the East it is an ancient interpretation of the four yoga traditions; the path of devotion (Bhakti) guided by love (Prema), the path of wisdom (Gnana) guided by peace (Shanti), the path of action (Karma) guided by higher purpose (Dharma), and the path of meditation (Dyana) guided by reality (Satya). It can be said that Raja yoga combines all four, as does Nexial’s concept of wholeness in terms of a cycle of four natural causes, a cycle that recapitulates Shiva’s dance in the cycle of generation and dissolution and that is now understood to be a core principle of relational complexity throughout the universe. The simplest representation of the newly discovered pattern in natural systems organization was named a “holon” in honor of Arthur Koestler’s unrealized vision of natural entities that can be both components of whole systems and whole systems in their own right. Just such an natural analytical unit was implied by the more technical work of mathematical biologist Dr. Robert Rosen (1934 to 1989) and a synthesis of Rosen’s theories in terms of holons that was first articulated by Dr. John Kineman in 2011, realizing a dream to integrate science and spirituality.

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