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Selected Bibliography
Kineman, John. 2011a. “Relational Science: A Synthesis.” Axiomathes 21 (3): 393–437.
———. 2011b. “R-Theory: A Further Commentary on the Synthesis of Relational Science.” Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2011, Hull, UK 55 (1).
———. 2012. “R-Theory: A Synthesis of Robert Rosen’s Relational Complexity.” Systems Research and Behavioral Science 29 (5): 527–38.
———. 2016a. “Reconstructing the Whole from Contemporary and Vedic Science – Part I.” In . Vol. Proceedings in prep. World Association for Vedic Studies and Wider Association for Vedic Studies.
———. 2016b. “An Holistic Framework.” In A Guide to Systems Research: Philosophy, Processes and Practice, edited by Mary C. Edson, Pamela Buckle Henning, and Shankar Sankaran, 1st ed. 2017 edition, Chapter 2. Translational Systems Sciences. New York, NY: Springer.
———. 2016c. “Modeling and Simulation.” In A Guide to Systems Research: Philosophy, Processes and Practice, edited by Mary C. Edson, Pamela Buckle Henning, and Shankar Sankaran, 1st ed. 2017 edition, Chapter 4. Translational Systems Sciences. New York, NY: Springer.
Kineman, John J. 2009. “Relational Theory and Ecological Niche Modeling.” In Proceedings of the 53rd. Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, edited by J. Allen and J. Wilby, 20. Brisbane, Australia: ISSS.
———. 2012. “The Ontology of Anticipation.” In Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations, by Robert Rosen, 2nd ed. IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering, v. 1. New York: Springer.
———. 2017. “A Causal Framework for Integrating Contemporary and Vedic Holism.” Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 131 (Special issue on Integral Biomathics: The Necessary Conjunction of the Western and Eastern Thought Traditions for Exploring the Nature of Mind and Life): 402–23.
———. 2018. “Four Kinds of Anticipatory (M-R) Life and a Definition of Sustainability.” In Handbook of Anticipation, edited by Roberto Poli. Vol. in press. Springer International Publishing.
———. 2019. “Science of a Living Universe: Reflections on the Gaia Worldview.” In Seventh International Conference: Science and Scientist June 15-16 2019, 188. Rutgers University, New Jersey: Bhakti Vedanta Institute of Spiritual Culture and Science.
Kineman, John J., and Carol A. Wessman. 2020a. “Relational Systems Ecology: Holistic Ecology and Causal Closure.” In Handbook of Systems Sciences, edited by Gary Metcalf, H. Deguchi, and K. Kijima. Singapore: Springer.
———. 2020b. “Relational Systems Ecology: The Anticipatory Niche and Complex Model Coupling.” In Handbook of Systems Sciences, edited by Gary Metcalf, H. Deguchi, and K. Kijima. Singapore: Springer.
Krupanidhi, Srirama, N. Madhan Sai, Homan Leung, and John J. Kineman. 2017. “The Leaf as a Sustainable and Renewable System.” Systems Research and Behavioral Science 34 (5): 564–76.
Rosen, Judith. 2017. “What the Science of Life and Mind Can Teach Us about Science, Itself.” Systems Research and Behavioral Science 34 (5): 618–24.
Rosen, R. 1958. “Metabolism-Repair Systems: Why Organisms Are Not Machines.” Bull.Math.Biophys. 20: 245–341.
———. 1990. “The Modeling Relation and Natural Law.” In Mathematics and Science, 183–99. World Scientific Publishing.
ROSEN, ROBERT. 1974. “ON THE DESIGN OF STABLE AND RELIABLE INSTITUTIONS.” International Journal of General Systems 1 (1): 61–66.
Rosen, Robert. 1975. “Biological Systems as Paradigms for Adaptation.” In Adaptive Economic Models, edited by Richard H. Day and Theodore Groves, 39–72. Academic Press.
———. 1977. “Complexity as a System Property.” International Journal of General Systems 3 (4): 227–32.
———. 1981. “On a Unified Approach to Pattern Generation.” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 43 (4): 513–16.
———. 1985. “Organisms as Causal Systems Which Are Not Mechanisms: An Essay into the Nature of Complexity.” Theoretical Biology and Complexity: Three Essays on the Natural Philosophy of Complex Systems.(Ed: Rosen, r) Academic Press, London, 165–203.
———. 1986. “Causal Structures in Brains and Machines.” International Journal of General Systems 12 (2): 107–26.
———. 1988a. “On Explaining Creativity.” Journal of Social and Biological Structures 11 (1): 134–35.
———. 1988b. “Complexity and Information.” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 22 (2–3): 211–18.
———. 1991a. “Beyond Dynamical Systems.” Journal of Social and Biological Structures 14 (2): 217–20.
———. 1991b. “The Physics of Complexity.” In Facets of Systems Science, edited by George J. Klir, 493–500. International Federation for Systems Research International Series on Systems Science and Engineering. Boston, MA: Springer US.
———. 1991c. Life Itself: A Comprehensive Inquiry into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life. Columbia University Press.
———. 1992. “Fractal Physiology and Chaos in Medicine, Bruce J. West. World Scientific Publishing Co. (1990).” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 54 (6): 1083–85.
———. 1993a. “Drawing the Boundary between Subject and Object: Comments on the Mind-Brain Problem.” Theoretical Medicine 14 (2): 89–100.
———. 1993b. “On Models and Modeling.” Applied Mathematics and Computation 56 (2–3): 359–72.
———. 1994a. “On Psychomimesis.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 171 (1): 87–92.
———. 1994b. “The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution, Stuart A. Kauffman. Oxford University Press (1993).” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 56 (5): 999–1003.
———. 1999. Essays on Life Itself. Complexity in Ecological Systems Series. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
———. 2012. Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations. 2nd ed,. (1st ed. 1985). Vol. 1. IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering. New York: Springer.

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