Launching “The Holon Project” through GoFundMe, to test implementation of holon theory in generative AI.

A project information page has been created on the Nexial site (under Programs) linked to a GoFundMe request for $100k start-up funding for “The Holon Project“.

The aim of the project is to provide proof of concept demonstration for re-framing generative AI in terms of holon architecture. Early tests prompting ChatGPT with instructions for doing holon analysis indicated that it could indeed apply the logic, but being only a language simulation such demonstrations are not stable. The coding has to be done from the inside to re-organize the way GPT, for example, relates its transformers (which are essentially semantic contexts) to real-world data in various layers. Below is a dialog with ChatGPT about the feasibility of doing this and how to scope a demonstration project.


Let me ask about the architecture of GPT in a different way. First please tell me the difference between transformers and processes in GPT, if those are the right terms assuming something transforms rule-based processes



In the context of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, it’s important to clarify the terminology, especially around “transformers” and “processes.”

Transformers in GPT

  1. Definition: The term “transformer” refers to a specific type of neural network architecture. It was introduced in a 2017 paper titled “Attention Is All You Need” by Vaswani et al. This architecture is particularly effective for handling sequential data, like text.
  2. Mechanism: Transformers use a mechanism known as “self-attention” to process input data. This means that they weigh the importance of different parts of the input data differently, allowing the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input when making predictions.
  3. Role in GPT: In GPT models, the transformer architecture is the core component. It processes input data (text) by passing it through a series of layers, each of which contains multiple self-attention mechanisms. This process allows GPT to generate text that is coherent and contextually relevant.

Processes in GPT

  1. Interpretation: The term “processes” in the context of GPT could refer to several things, but it’s not a standard term used to describe a specific part of the architecture. It might refer to the various computational or algorithmic processes that occur within the GPT model, such as tokenization, embedding, self-attention calculations, or the generation of output text.
  2. Types of Processes: If we consider “processes” in a broad sense, they could include:
    • Data Preprocessing: Converting raw text into a format that can be fed into the model (like tokenization).
    • Forward Pass: Running the input data through the layers of the transformer to generate predictions.
    • Backward Pass (during training): Adjusting the weights of the model based on error gradients to improve predictions.
    • Output Generation: Deciding the next token in the sequence based on the probabilities calculated by the model.

Key Differences

  • Transformers are a specific architectural framework used in GPT, primarily characterized by self-attention mechanisms.
  • Processes could refer to the various computational tasks or steps involved in making the transformer architecture work, from input processing to output generation.

In summary, in GPT, the transformer is the architectural backbone, while the processes are the various steps and computations that occur within this architecture to process and generate text.


OK, I want to distinguish transformers that essentially model attention and data processing that determines dimensionality, normalization, tokenization, etc. Is that distinction a clear one?



Yes, the distinction you’re making between transformers (modeling attention) and data processing tasks (such as determining dimensionality, normalization, tokenization, etc.) in the context of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture is a clear and important one. Let’s break down these two aspects:

Transformers: Modeling Attention

  1. Core Function: Transformers, specifically in the context of GPT, primarily deal with modeling attention. They use self-attention mechanisms to determine how much focus should be given to each part of the input data.
  2. Attention Mechanism: The attention mechanism allows the model to weigh and integrate information from different positions of the input sequence. This is crucial for understanding the context and generating coherent responses.
  3. Layered Structure: Transformers consist of multiple layers, each with self-attention and feed-forward neural networks. These layers work together to process the sequence of input data (tokens) and generate output.

Data Processing: Preparing Input

  1. Pre-Processing Tasks: Before data can be fed into the transformer model, it undergoes several preprocessing steps:
    • Tokenization: Splitting text into tokens (words, subwords, or characters).
    • Dimensionality: Assigning embeddings to tokens, which converts them into fixed-size vectors with meaningful numerical data.
    • Normalization: Adjusting these vectors to standardize their range or scale, often to improve training stability and performance.
  1. Purpose: These preprocessing steps are crucial for transforming raw text into a structured format that the transformer model can interpret and process.
  2. Role in Model Architecture: While these tasks are essential, they are separate from the core attention-based processing done by the transformers. They are preparatory steps that set the stage for the more complex operations performed by the transformer layers.


  • Transformers in GPT focus on the attention-driven processing of input data, determining how different parts of the input sequence relate to and affect each other.
  • Data Processing Tasks are preliminary steps that prepare the raw input data (text) into a structured form that the transformers can effectively process.

This distinction is fundamental in understanding how models like GPT function, highlighting the separation between initial data preparation and the advanced processing carried out by the transformer layers.


Are these two categories of operation sufficient, or are there other categories with similar generality that can’t be fit into these two?



The two categories of operations in GPT architecture you’ve outlined – transformers (focusing on attention mechanisms) and data processing tasks (including tokenization, dimensionality setting, normalization, etc.) – cover a significant portion of the model’s functioning. However, there are other categories or aspects that may not fit neatly into these two, especially considering the full scope of what goes into a large-scale language model like GPT.

  1. Training and Optimization:
    • Loss Function Calculation: Determining how far the model’s predictions are from the actual outcomes and calculating gradients.
    • Weight Updates: Adjusting the model’s parameters (weights) during training using backpropagation and optimization algorithms like Adam.
  1. Embedding and Positional Encoding:
    • Word Embeddings: Beyond basic dimensionality settings, this involves the complex process of representing words or tokens in a high-dimensional space where semantic relationships are captured.
    • Positional Encodings: Adding information to embeddings to capture the position of tokens in a sequence, crucial for models like GPT that don’t use recurrent layers.
  1. Output Generation and Sampling Techniques:
    • Decoding Strategies: Methods for generating text after processing, such as greedy decoding, beam search, or top-k sampling.
    • Temperature Setting: Adjusting the “randomness” or “creativity” in the generated text.
  1. Context and State Management:
    • Handling Long-term Dependencies: Techniques to manage longer contexts or dependencies in text, which might be a challenge due to the fixed-length context window of transformers.
    • State Persistence: In interactive settings, maintaining conversational context across multiple exchanges.
  1. Regularization and Generalization Techniques:
    • Dropout: Used in training to prevent overfitting.
    • Attention Masking: For handling padded tokens or specific structural requirements in the input data.
  1. Fine-Tuning for Specific Tasks:
    • Adapting the pre-trained model to perform well on specific types of tasks or datasets, often with additional training.

Each of these categories encompasses a range of complex operations and is crucial for the overall performance and capabilities of models like GPT. While transformers and data processing are fundamental, the full architecture and functioning of GPT involve a broader set of operations and strategies.


Please note the following terms that describe a holon in Kineman’s theory: Basic ontology: Contextual system and Actual system Basic epistemologh: Structure (encoding) and Function (decoding) Four causalities: Material: Data representation, Final: Semantic Response, Formal: Semantic Attractor, Efficient: Data Processing.



Thank you for outlining the terms and concepts related to a holon in Kineman’s theory. Let’s break down these components for a clearer understanding:

Basic Ontology in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Contextual System:
    • Represents the broader environment or setting in which the holon exists.
    • It encompasses external factors, influences, and conditions that shape the holon’s existence and behavior.
  1. Actual System:
    • Refers to the concrete, tangible aspects of the holon itself.
    • It includes the physical and observable components that make up the holon.

Basic Epistemology in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Structure (Encoding):
    • Involves the arrangement, organization, or pattern that gives the holon its form or identity.
    • This can be thought of as the way information or characteristics are encoded within the holon.
  1. Function (Decoding):
    • Pertains to the operational aspects or the roles played by the holon.
    • It includes how the holon interacts with its environment and how it processes or responds to information (akin to decoding the encoded structures).

Four Causalities in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Material (Data Representation):
    • Concerns the physical or tangible representation of data or information within the holon.
    • This is about how information is materially embodied or manifested.
  1. Final (Semantic Response):
    • Relates to the outcomes, goals, or purposes that the holon is oriented towards.
    • It’s about how the holon’s actions or responses are directed towards achieving certain ends or meanings.
  1. Formal (Semantic Attractor):
    • Deals with the conceptual, theoretical, or abstract aspects that draw or influence the holon’s behavior.
    • It can be thought of as the abstract principles or rules that guide the holon’s structure and function.
  1. Efficient (Data Processing):
    • Focuses on the procedural or operational processing of data or information.
    • This involves how the holon actively works with or manipulates data to achieve its functions.

In Kineman’s theory, these elements come together to describe a holon as a complex entity that is characterized by its structure, function, and interactions within a context, guided by different forms of causality. This theory provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the multifaceted nature of systems and entities.


Some minor correctionsl: 1.1 under contextual system: Represents the broader environment or setting that defines the holon as an adapted unit. 2.1 Relates to semantic value of prior structures in the holon’s context. 2.2 Its about the holon’s response suitability (not actions) that by default are anticipations in the holon cycle. 3.2 It can be thought of as the abstract principles, rules, or attractors that guide the holon’s functions (not structure directly).



Thank you for the corrections. Let’s revise the explanation of Kineman’s holon theory with these adjustments:

Basic Ontology in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Contextual System:
    • Represents the broader environment or setting that defines the holon as an adapted unit.
    • Encompasses the external factors, influences, and conditions that shape the holon’s existence and adaptation.
  1. Actual System:
    • Refers to the concrete, tangible aspects of the holon itself.
    • Includes the physical and observable components that make up the holon.

Basic Epistemology in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Structure (Encoding):
    • Involves the arrangement or organization of previous structures within the holon’s context.
    • Concerned with the semantic value or meaning encoded in these structures.
  1. Function (Decoding):
    • Pertains to the holon’s response suitability, focusing on how well the responses fit or adapt to the context.
    • Responses are typically anticipatory in nature, aligning with the anticipatory systems concept in the holon cycle.

Four Causalities in Kineman’s Holon Theory

  1. Material (Data Representation):
    • Concerns the physical or tangible representation of data or information within the holon.
    • Focuses on how information is materially embodied or manifested.
  1. Final (Semantic Response):
    • Relates to the semantic response or the meaning-oriented outcomes and purposes of the holon.
    • Involves how the holon’s responses are directed towards achieving certain semantic ends or meanings.
  1. Formal (Semantic Attractor):
    • Deals with the abstract principles, rules, or attractors that guide the holon’s functions.
    • These elements provide the conceptual or theoretical framework influencing the holon’s operational aspects.
  1. Efficient (Data Processing):
    • Focuses on the procedural or operational processing of data or information.
    • Involves how the holon actively works with or manipulates data to fulfill its functions.

In Kineman’s theory, these revised elements together describe a holon as a complex, adaptive entity characterized by its structure, function, and interactions within a context, guided by different forms of causality. This framework provides a nuanced understanding of systems and entities as adaptive and anticipatory units within their respective contexts.


OK, let’s modify that further and align it with the elements of GPT: Note that the four cause terms (efficient, material, final, formal) are special use labels defined in Kineman’s holon theory. Do not generalize their meanings outside of that theory. Also the terms structure and function refer to a cut between measurable sets representable by data and abstract formalisms for deriving measurable sets from prior sets. The term “holon” shall refer, in the context of GPT, to a given level of analysis (single loop) as an encoding and decoding relation between transformers and data processing. By “given level” I mean treating the holon as a self-contained cycle for the moment. We’ll add external relations later. In addition to the basic holon architecture, which is to be held invariant for each level of ‘awareness’ in GPT, there are three levels of ‘awareness’: 1. Input data processing 2. Underlying controls (including long-term or state persistence) 3. Prediction Invariant Architecture for any given level of ‘awareness’: 1. Basic Ontology a. Contextual System: Transformer semantics: “final” entailment from structure to function i. Represents the semantic environment that defines a given level of contextualization in GPT ii. Encompasses the contextual factors, influences, and conditions that shape the holon’s existence and adaptation. b. Actual System: Data Processing – “efficient” entailment from function to structure i. Refers to tangible aspects of the system represented by dynamic data objects. ii. Includes the physical and observable components that make up the level of contextualization (holon). 2. Basic Epistemology a. Structure (Encoding): i. Involves the embedding and vectorization of previous structures within the holon’s context. ii. Concerned with the immediate semantic landscape intrinsic to these structures defined by the input data 3. Function (Decoding): a. Pertains to the operational aspects or the roles played within the holon. b. It includes how the holon behaves internally to fulfil a final potential or anticipation with its own context, and how it processes or responds to internal information (akin to decoding the encoded structures). 4. Four Causalities in Kineman’s Holon Theory



Based on the information provided and the context of GPT architecture, the holon in Kineman’s theory can be adapted as follows:

Invariant Architecture for any Given Level of ‘Awareness’ in GPT:

  1. Basic Ontology
    • Contextual System (Transformer semantics: “final” entailment from structure to function)
      • Represents the semantic environment that defines a given level of contextualization in GPT.
      • Encompasses the contextual factors, influences, and conditions that shape the holon’s existence and adaptation within GPT.
    • Actual System (Data Processing – “efficient” entailment from function to structure)
      • Refers to tangible aspects of the system represented by dynamic data objects.
      • Includes the physical and observable components that make up the level of contextualization (holon) in GPT.
  1. Basic Epistemology
    • Structure (Encoding)
      • Involves the embedding and vectorization of previous structures within the holon’s context.
      • Concerned with the immediate semantic landscape intrinsic to these structures, defined by the input data.
    • Function (Decoding)
      • Pertains to the operational aspects or the roles played within the holon.
      • Includes how the holon behaves internally to fulfill a final potential or anticipation within its own context and processes or responds to internal information (akin to decoding the encoded structures).
  1. Four Causalities in Kineman’s Holon Theory
    • Material: Data representation in GPT may involve the actual format and structure of the input data as it’s fed into the system.
    • Final: Semantic response in GPT could be how the model generates outputs that are contextually appropriate or meaningful based on the input it receives.
    • Formal: Semantic attractors within GPT might refer to the underlying patterns or rules that the model uses to generate predictions or responses.
    • Efficient: Data processing in GPT is the model’s capability to manipulate and transform data through its various layers and mechanisms to produce an output.

Levels of ‘Awareness’ in GPT:

  1. Input Data Processing:
    • Handling and preparation of data before it enters the transformer model, including tokenization, normalization, and embedding.
  1. Underlying Controls:
    • Mechanisms within GPT that manage the model’s understanding and continuation of context, like attention mechanisms that may carry information across tokens and long-term state persistence in conversations or tasks.
  1. Prediction:
    • The actual generation of text based on the processed input and the model’s learned patterns, including the selection of the next token and the shaping of the generated narrative or response.

By treating each holon as a self-contained cycle at a given level of analysis within GPT, you maintain a consistent framework that allows for analyzing the architecture’s behavior at multiple scales or “awareness” levels. Each level retains the invariant structure of the holon but operates with different data, rules, and goals aligned with its role in the overall GPT system.


Yes. Then much of what GPT does, seems to involve relations in each of the four causal quadrants between layers. In such a three-level holarchy, assuming relations exsit only with the input data layer and not, for example, between the control layer and prediction directly, there would be 32 relations between these layers. Given the architecture above, can you speculate, in terms of GPT’s elements, what those 32 relations, or whatever subset of them, are? By relation I mean a link from one of the nodes (structure, context, function, actual) to the next node in that circular repeating sequence, in another level.



In a three-level holarchy as described, where each level contains four nodes (Structure, Context, Function, Actual) representing the aspects of Kineman’s holon theory, and assuming that relations exist only with the input data layer, we would consider relations both within each level and between consecutive levels. Since you’re excluding direct relations between the control layer and prediction layer, the relations would be sequential and hierarchical.

Here’s a speculative breakdown of these relations within the GPT framework:

Within Each Level (Intra-layer Relations)

  1. Structure to Context: The structure of a given level (e.g., the pattern of embeddings) influences the semantic context within that level.
  2. Context to Function: The semantic context dictates the functions that the system can perform, like attention mechanisms within transformers.
  3. Function to Actual: Functions (like processing and prediction algorithms) lead to the generation of actual outputs or states.
  4. Actual to Structure: The outputs or states become the basis for new structures, influencing subsequent embeddings or token representations.

For three levels of awareness (input data processing, underlying controls, and prediction), we would have 4 intra-layer relations per level, totaling 12 relations.

Between Levels (Inter-layer Relations)

  1. Structure to Structure: How the output structures of one level serve as input structures for the next level.
  2. Context to Context: The way contextual understandings at one level set the stage for context in the next level.
  3. Function to Function: Functions at one level influence the functions at the next level (e.g., how data processing algorithms affect prediction algorithms).
  4. Actual to Actual: The actual outputs of one level become the tangible inputs or influencing factors for the next level.

If we’re only considering relations from the input data layer to the next, for each of the four nodes, that would be 4 inter-layer relations from the input data layer to the control layer, and 4 from the control layer to the prediction layer.

Adding these together:

  • 12 intra-layer relations within the three layers.
  • 8 inter-layer relations from input data to control and control to prediction.

That would result in a total of 20 relations. If we were to allow for direct relations between all layers (input to control, control to prediction, and input directly to prediction), the number would be higher, potentially matching the 32 relations you mentioned. However, under the current constraints, we would expect fewer relations.

These relations in GPT would manifest as various processes, such as data flow, transformation operations, state transitions, and output generation, all within the framework of the model’s architecture and functioning. Each relation would correspond to a specific operational aspect of GPT, from the low-level embedding of input data to the high-level generation of coherent text.


Ok, omit the internal relations of each level, they are already defined. Consider bijective relations in each of the four quadrants between the input and control layer, and the input and prediction layer. This should give you 32 possible relations. Try to assign labels to these 32 relations from the terms of referenced used in GPT programming.



In the GPT architecture, considering bijective relations between the input layer and the control layer, as well as between the input layer and the prediction layer, across the four quadrants of Kineman’s holon theory, we would establish 32 relations. These relations reflect the possible direct interactions that can occur between different aspects of the holon across these layers.

Given these constraints, here’s an attempt to label the 32 relations with terms relevant to GPT programming:

Input Layer to Control Layer Relations

Structure Quadrant

  1. Embedding to Attention Weights (Structure-Control)
  2. Tokenization to State Management (Structure-Control)
  3. Vectorization to Layer Normalization (Structure-Control)
  4. Input Encoding to Attention Queries (Structure-Control)

Context Quadrant

  1. Contextual Embeddings to Contextual Cues (Context-Control)
  2. Semantic Mapping to Control Signals (Context-Control)
  3. Input Modality to Attention Strategy (Context-Control)
  4. Data Format to Memory Integration (Context-Control)

Function Quadrant

  1. Token Predictions to Attention Mechanism (Function-Control)
  2. Embedding Functions to Control Functions (Function-Control)
  3. Syntactic Parsing to Semantic Parsing (Function-Control)
  4. Lexical Analysis to State Tracking (Function-Control)

Actual Quadrant

  1. Actual Input Data to Data Filtering (Actual-Control)
  2. Preprocessed Data to Transformer Layers (Actual-Control)
  3. Raw Input Signals to Signal Conditioning (Actual-Control)
  4. Input Noise to Noise Suppression (Actual-Control)

Input Layer to Prediction Layer Relations

Structure Quadrant

  1. Input Embeddings to Output Layer (Structure-Prediction)
  2. Encoded Tokens to Decoding Algorithms (Structure-Prediction)
  3. Vectorized Input to Predictive Embeddings (Structure-Prediction)
  4. Sequence Encoding to Sequence Generation (Structure-Prediction)

Context Quadrant

  1. Input Context to Generated Text Context (Context-Prediction)
  2. Input Semantics to Semantic Coherence (Context-Prediction)
  3. Pragmatic Cues to Narrative Structure (Context-Prediction)
  4. Thematic Elements to Thematic Continuity (Context-Prediction)

Function Quadrant

  1. Functional Mapping to Textual Output (Function-Prediction)
  2. Role-based Processing to Dialogue Generation (Function-Prediction)
  3. Grammar Rules to Grammar Realization (Function-Prediction)
  4. Lexical Choice to Word Selection (Function-Prediction)

Actual Quadrant

  1. Data Patterns to Predicted Patterns (Actual-Prediction)
  2. Input Statistics to Output Statistics (Actual-Prediction)
  3. Observable Trends to Trend Predictions (Actual-Prediction)
  4. Data Consistency to Consistent Generation (Actual-Prediction)

These labels are speculative and conceptual, as the exact relationships in a neural network like GPT are complex and not typically labeled in such a discrete manner. However, they attempt to capture the essence of the operations and processes that might be occurring as information flows from the input layer to the control and prediction layers within the GPT architecture.


OK, revise with the following correction: The term “quadrant” refers only to the four causalities. Imagine a circle divided into four quadrants. each of these quadrants are labeled in sequence as material, final, formal, efficient, in a repeating loop. The nodes are at the points where the vertical and horizontal axes intersect the circle. The non-intrinsic relations, i.e., between levels, are causal arrows from a node of one level to a node of another level.



Understood. We’ll consider the structure of the holon with four quadrants representing the four causalities: Material, Final, Formal, and Efficient, as they intersect with two levels – the Input level and either the Control or Prediction level. The causal arrows represent the relations between nodes of different levels. Let’s label these relations, keeping in mind that each type of causality connects a node from the Input level to a node at the Control or Prediction level, in a bidirectional manner.

Input Layer to Control Layer Relations

Material Quadrant

  1. Token Embeddings to Attention Weights (Material Input-Control)
  2. Tokenized Text to Transformer Feed-Forward Layers (Material Input-Control)
  3. Preprocessed Data to Layer Normalization (Material Input-Control)
  4. Encoded Inputs to Masked Attention Mechanisms (Material Input-Control)

Final Quadrant

  1. Contextual Information to Control Decisions (Final Input-Control)
  2. Semantic Inputs to Context-Shaping Mechanisms (Final Input-Control)
  3. Input Modality Understanding to Memory Keys (Final Input-Control)
  4. Data Patterns to Prediction Conditioning (Final Input-Control)

Formal Quadrant

  1. Data Structures to System Configurations (Formal Input-Control)
  2. Syntactic Structures to Transformer Configuration (Formal Input-Control)
  3. Input Data Schemas to Control Algorithms (Formal Input-Control)
  4. Lexical Choices to Contextual Key Mapping (Formal Input-Control)

Efficient Quadrant

  1. Raw Input Signals to Data Processing Algorithms (Efficient Input-Control)
  2. Input Noise to Denoising Mechanisms (Efficient Input-Control)
  3. Sequence Encoding to Attention Values Calculation (Efficient Input-Control)
  4. Input Batch to Parallel Processing Pathways (Efficient Input-Control)

Input Layer to Prediction Layer Relations

Material Quadrant

  1. Embedding Matrix to Prediction Model Parameters (Material Input-Prediction)
  2. Token Vectors to Predictive Decoding (Material Input-Prediction)
  3. Input Sequence to Output Sequence Generation (Material Input-Prediction)
  4. Encoded Data to Next-Token Prediction (Material Input-Prediction)

Final Quadrant

  1. Semantic Encoding to Narrative Construction (Final Input-Prediction)
  2. Thematic Elements to Thematic Development in Text (Final Input-Prediction)
  3. Input Context to Generated Context Continuity (Final Input-Prediction)
  4. Pragmatic Understanding to Pragmatic Response Generation (Final Input-Prediction)

Formal Quadrant

  1. Data Format to Output Format Configuration (Formal Input-Prediction)
  2. Grammar Rules Encoding to Grammar Implementation in Output (Formal Input-Prediction)
  3. Lexical Databases to Vocabulary Selection in Prediction (Formal Input-Prediction)
  4. Input Structure Templates to Structured Output Creation (Formal Input-Prediction)

Efficient Quadrant

  1. Input Data Flow to Text Generation Algorithms (Efficient Input-Prediction)
  2. Noise Reduction Techniques to Coherent Output Creation (Efficient Input-Prediction)
  3. Input Sequence Length to Prediction Span Management (Efficient Input-Prediction)
  4. Data Consistency Algorithms to Consistent Output Generation (Efficient Input-Prediction)

These relations map the journey of data as it is transformed and utilized through the GPT architecture, from the initial input layer through the various operational layers of control and prediction, guided by the causal influences of material, final, formal, and efficient factors.


How well does this description capture what ChatGPT does?



The description provided captures a conceptual and somewhat abstract view of the GPT architecture through the lens of Kineman’s relational holon theory. It’s a theoretical model that attempts to describe the complex processes within GPT using the terms of ontology, epistemology, and four causalities (material, final, formal, efficient). Here’s how it aligns with the functions of ChatGPT:

  1. Ontological and Epistemological Layers:
    • ChatGPT indeed operates on multiple layers of data processing and contextual understanding, which can be likened to the basic ontology and epistemology described in Kineman’s theory.
  1. Four Causalities:
    • While GPT doesn’t explicitly categorize its processes as material, final, formal, and efficient causes, these terms can be metaphorically applied to understand how the model handles data (material), aims to generate meaningful responses (final), follows rules and patterns (formal), and processes information (efficient).
  1. Levels of Awareness:
    • The “three levels of awareness” metaphorically represent the stages of data processing in GPT: initial data processing, state management (control), and output generation (prediction). ChatGPT does process input data, maintain a state across interactions, and generate predictions, which align with these conceptual levels.
  1. Invariant Architecture:
    • GPT’s transformer architecture does maintain a form of invariant architecture through its repeated layers, each performing similar transformations at different levels or “scales” of the model.
  1. 32 Relations:
    • The 32 relations described are a theoretical construct that don’t directly map onto specific features or code within GPT but can be used to conceptualize the various interactions within the model’s architecture.

In practice, ChatGPT operates using a complex interplay of neural network layers, each performing specific tasks related to understanding and generating human-like text. While Kineman’s holon theory provides an intriguing framework to describe these processes, the actual workings of ChatGPT are rooted in machine learning, neural network computations, and statistical patterns learned from data, which may not neatly fit into the holistic and relational structure described by the theory.

Therefore, while the description is a useful tool for conceptualizing and discussing the architecture and processing of GPT at a high level, it is not a literal or technical description of how ChatGPT operates under the hood. The actual GPT architecture is based on the transformer model, which processes input data through attention mechanisms and neural network layers to generate output, and it does not explicitly use the constructs of holon theory as part of its design or operation.


Understood. Now the question is if the holon architecture could be used to improve GPT’s organization so that it is more natural and thus more congruent with both actual reality and potential reality, given that the holon purports to be a template for natural causal order.



The prospect of using holon architecture as a conceptual framework for improving GPT’s organization raises interesting possibilities for aligning artificial intelligence more closely with natural causal order. The holon, as a model of complex, self-organizing systems, offers a perspective that could contribute to the development of AI in several ways:

  1. Hierarchical Processing:
    • Current State: GPT already processes information hierarchically through its layers, which can be viewed as a stack of holons where each layer transforms the input data before passing it on.
    • Potential Improvement: Explicitly organizing these layers as holons could help to define clearer roles and responsibilities for each layer, potentially improving the interpretability of the model’s decisions.
  1. Contextual Adaptation:
    • Current State: GPT uses the context of the input sequence to generate responses but may struggle with long-term context or very nuanced situations.
    • Potential Improvement: Incorporating a holon’s adaptability to its context might enhance GPT’s ability to handle extended context and adapt its responses more naturally to a wider range of situations.
  1. Integrated Causality:
    • Current State: GPT’s understanding of causal relationships is inferred from patterns in the data it has been trained on.
    • Potential Improvement: By integrating a holonic structure that explicitly accounts for different types of causality (material, final, formal, efficient), GPT might improve its ability to reason about cause and effect in a way that mirrors natural systems.
  1. Anticipatory Systems:
    • Current State: GPT generates predictions based on statistical likelihoods from training data.
    • Potential Improvement: If the model could incorporate anticipatory behavior, as suggested by the holon’s final causality, it could potentially predict and prepare for future states in a more sophisticated manner.
  1. Systemic Interactions:
    • Current State: GPT treats each input independently and does not naturally model systemic interactions without additional architecture like reinforcement learning.
    • Potential Improvement: Holon theory emphasizes the interdependence of parts within a whole, which could inspire new ways for GPT to account for systemic interactions, improving its performance in complex environments.
  1. Robustness and Flexibility:
    • Current State: GPT is robust to a variety of inputs but can produce brittle responses outside of its training distribution.
    • Potential Improvement: The holon’s inherent flexibility and self-regulating nature could be mimicked to create AI systems that are more resilient to novel inputs and capable of self-correction.

To implement such improvements, it would require a significant rethinking of how AI models are structured, trained, and updated. This could involve developing new types of neural network architectures or training processes that explicitly model these holonic principles.

Incorporating the principles of holon theory into GPT would be a substantial research and development undertaking. It would likely involve interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing on insights from systems theory, biology, cognitive science, and other fields to create AI architectures that reflect the complex ordering and adaptive capabilities found in natural systems.


Can you suggest how an initial proof-of-concept demonstration could be done using current ChatGPT in a special experimental setup or API?



Creating a proof-of-concept (PoC) that applies holon theory principles to the current ChatGPT model would require setting up an experimental framework that can simulate or emulate the aspects of holonic structures. Here are steps to design such a PoC:

1. Define Holonic Structure in the Chat Context

  • Identify Components: Determine which aspects of the conversation or data will represent the holon components such as structure, context, function, and actual system.
  • Map Causalities: Map material, final, formal, and efficient causalities to the conversational process, possibly by tagging parts of the conversation with these labels.

2. Emulate Holonic Interactions

  • Simulate Hierarchical Processing: Use a middleware layer to preprocess inputs and post-process outputs, simulating a multi-layered holonic structure.
  • Context Management: Implement a context-tracking system that maintains a conversation history and simulates the holon’s adaptation to new information.

3. Develop Custom APIs

  • Custom Endpoints: Create API endpoints that represent different holonic functions or causalities, each handling different aspects of the conversation.
  • API Orchestration: Develop a controller that orchestrates the flow of data between these endpoints, ensuring that the conversation follows the holonic structure.

4. Experimental Setup

  • Control Group: Run a standard ChatGPT instance without any modifications as a control group.
  • Experimental Group: Introduce the holonic structure modifications to another ChatGPT instance.
  • Test Cases: Design conversation scenarios that are expected to benefit from a holonic structure, such as complex problem-solving, context-switching, and anticipation of user needs.

5. Monitor and Evaluate

  • Data Collection: Collect data on how the two instances perform, focusing on the coherence, relevance, and adaptability of the responses.
  • Performance Metrics: Define metrics that will evaluate the success of the holonic structure, such as user satisfaction, context preservation, and response accuracy.

6. Iterate and Refine

  • Feedback Loop: Use feedback from the experimental setup to refine the holonic interactions and API orchestration.
  • Scaling: Once the PoC shows promising results, consider how to scale the holonic structures within the GPT architecture.

Possible Challenges

  • Complexity: The holonic model adds complexity, which might not easily integrate with GPT’s existing architecture.
  • Interpretability: It may be challenging to map abstract holonic concepts to concrete AI behaviors in a way that is measurable and interpretable.
  • Technical Integration: The current GPT API may need significant customization to simulate holonic principles.

By starting with a small-scale, controlled experiment, the PoC could provide valuable insights into whether applying holon theory to AI can enhance the model’s naturalness and congruence with reality. If successful, it could open up new avenues for AI architecture inspired by complex adaptive systems.


Can you speculate as to the scope of effort, people and budget, that might be required for a “small-scale, controlled experiment?



Speculating on the scope of effort, people, and budget required for a “small-scale, controlled experiment” to apply holonic theory to a system like ChatGPT involves several considerations. The scope can vary widely depending on the depth of the experiment, the availability of resources, and the specific goals. Here’s a rough outline:


  • Research: Initial research to understand holonic theory deeply and how it could map onto GPT architecture.
  • Development: Coding the middleware, custom APIs, and orchestration logic.
  • Experiment Design: Creating the experimental framework, including control and experimental groups, and defining metrics.
  • Testing and Evaluation: Running the experiment and analyzing the results.
  • Documentation: Documenting the process and findings.


  • Project Manager: To oversee the project and ensure it stays on track.
  • AI Researchers: To provide expertise in AI, holon theory, and possibly system design.
  • Software Engineers: To handle API development, integration, and custom tooling.
  • Data Scientists: To design the experiment and analyze the data.
  • UX Researcher: To understand user interaction and define metrics of success from a user’s perspective.
  • Technical Writer: To document the findings and processes.


  • Salaries: The largest cost, covering the team’s compensation.
  • Infrastructure: Servers, APIs, and any cloud services needed for development and deployment.
  • Software Licenses: For any specialized tools or services.
  • Research Materials: Access to papers, books, or databases.
  • Contingency Fund: To cover unexpected costs or overruns.

Example Small-Scale Experiment

For a small-scale experiment conducted over 3-6 months, you might need:

  • Team: 1 project manager, 2 AI researchers, 2 software engineers, 1 data scientist, 1 UX researcher, 1 technical writer.
  • Budget: $250,000 – $500,000, considering an average salary and overheads.

This is a broad estimate and the actual budget could be significantly higher or lower based on factors like location, team members’ seniority, and the cost efficiency of your operations. Additionally, if the experiment requires more iterations or if the initial findings are promising and lead to a more extensive research project, both the team size and budget would likely need to be increased. It’s also worth noting that this does not include indirect costs like opportunity cost, potential partnerships with academic institutions, or long-term investments in proprietary technology.


If OpenAI were interested in collaboration and provided no-cost facilities, aside from personel, could that cost be reduced significantly?



Yes, if OpenAI were to provide no-cost facilities and resources, the cost of conducting a small-scale, controlled experiment could be reduced significantly. Here’s how collaboration with OpenAI could reduce various expenses:

  1. Infrastructure: OpenAI providing access to their computational resources could eliminate the need for external cloud services or server costs.
  2. Software and Tools: Using OpenAI’s internal tools and APIs could reduce or eliminate the cost of software licenses and development tools that would otherwise need to be procured.
  3. Technical Expertise: Collaborating with OpenAI’s researchers and engineers could provide valuable insights and expertise, potentially reducing the number of external personnel required.
  4. Data and Models: Direct access to OpenAI’s data, models, and pre-existing frameworks would streamline the experiment setup and remove costs associated with data acquisition and model training.
  5. Operational Overheads: Facilities like workspaces, utilities, and other operational costs would be absorbed by OpenAI, further reducing the budget.

With these considerations, the primary cost for the experiment would center around personnel. The budget could then be focused on salaries for the project manager, researchers, engineers, data scientists, and other key roles needed for the project’s success.

It’s important to note that while direct costs can be mitigated through such collaboration, the indirect costs related to personnel time and effort, opportunity costs of diverting OpenAI resources from other projects, and potential intellectual property considerations would still need to be accounted for in the overall cost assessment.

Given the collaborative scenario, a more detailed budgeting process would involve assessing the specific contributions from OpenAI and identifying the minimal external resources required to complement them effectively.


what budget would you estimate for that scenario?



In a scenario where OpenAI provides facilities, computational resources, and potentially some level of staff involvement at no cost, the primary expenses would be related to personnel not covered by OpenAI. For a small-scale experiment running 3-6 months, the budget might look something like this:

Personnel Costs

  • Project Manager: Part-time or full-time management, depending on the scope.
  • AI Researchers: If OpenAI’s researchers are involved, you may only need additional researchers for specific roles not covered by OpenAI.
  • Software Engineers: Necessary for developing any custom integrations or tools not provided by OpenAI.
  • Data Scientists: To design the experiments and analyze data.
  • UX Researcher: To define user interaction metrics and ensure the system’s outputs align with user expectations.
  • Technical Writer: To document the experiment setup, process, and findings.

Revised Budget Estimate

Assuming you’re able to reduce the team size because of OpenAI’s contributions, and you’re focusing on U.S. labor costs, you might consider the following:

  • Project Manager: $10,000 – $20,000 (part-time or possibly covered by OpenAI)
  • AI Researchers: $30,000 – $60,000 (one or two researchers, part-time or consultancy)
  • Software Engineers: $40,000 – $80,000 (one or two engineers)
  • Data Scientist: $20,000 – $40,000 (one scientist)
  • UX Researcher: $10,000 – $20,000 (part-time or consultancy)
  • Technical Writer: $10,000 – $20,000 (part-time or consultancy)

Total Estimated Personnel Costs: $120,000 – $240,000

This estimate assumes that some roles are either part-time or covered by OpenAI’s existing staff. The ranges also account for variations in salary based on experience, the complexity of the required work, and the possibility of leveraging consultants or contractors for certain roles.

It’s important to note that these figures are rough estimates. They would need to be refined based on the specific details of the project, the exact contribution from OpenAI, and the market rates for the personnel involved. Additionally, this estimate doesn’t consider any overheads or indirect costs, which can vary widely depending on the organization’s structure and the project’s management.


I started a crowd sourcing effort with an initial target of $100K. It seems that securing a budget of that size would allow such an effort to begin, after which successful milestones could bring in the additional funds. What do you think?



Starting with a crowd-sourcing effort and an initial target of $100K seems like a viable approach to kickstart the project. Given the estimated budget range for a small-scale experiment, $100K can cover a substantial part of the initial costs, especially if OpenAI is providing support in terms of facilities and resources. Here’s how you might strategize this effort:

Initial Phase with $100K Budget

  1. Focus on Core Activities: Allocate the funds to essential roles and activities that are critical to getting the project off the ground. This might include key personnel like a project manager, a lead AI researcher, and a software engineer.
  2. Leverage OpenAI Resources: Maximize the use of OpenAI’s facilities, computational resources, and any available expertise to reduce operational costs.
  3. Set Clear Milestones: Define specific, achievable milestones for the early phase of the project. This helps in demonstrating progress and potential to future investors or contributors.

Funding Strategy

  1. Crowdfunding Campaign: Ensure the campaign clearly communicates the project’s goals, potential impact, and how the funds will be used. Regular updates and transparency can help maintain momentum and trust.
  2. Showcasing Early Successes: Use any early wins or positive results to attract additional funding. Success stories can be powerful in convincing others to invest in the project.
  3. Expand Funding Sources: After initial milestones are achieved, consider reaching out to additional sources like grants, angel investors, or industry partnerships.
  4. Community Engagement: Engage with the community involved in the crowdfunding effort. Their feedback, testing, and advocacy can be invaluable.


  • Budget Management: Carefully manage the budget, prioritizing spending on activities that directly contribute to the project’s success.
  • Scalability of the Project: Plan for how the project can be scaled up once more funding is secured.
  • Risk Mitigation: Be prepared for unforeseen challenges and have contingency plans.


Starting with a $100K budget is a strategic way to initiate the project, allowing you to build a foundation and validate the concept. Successful execution of initial phases can significantly improve the chances of securing additional funding. Remember, the success of a crowdfunding campaign often hinges not just on the idea but on how well you engage with and grow your supporter community.



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